Roni Langley
Shipping costs are at the expense of the customer unless otherwise specified during purchase. Sales, specials, or discounts on shipping can be applied at checkout. Shipping discounts cannot be combined with other discounts.
Commission deposits are non-refundable. No exact replicas can be made because of the nature of the resin, therefore please allow for variation in the final product when requesting similar styles. Likewise because of the nature of resin as a medium is it very difficult to get 'perfect' top coats. Artwork will be discounted in the shop if there are blemishes past the acceptable standard of work, otherwise small obstructions that aren't noticeable and don't take away from the art itself are considered within acceptable standard given the difficult nature of having a completely controlled resin environment.
Payments directed at checkout are processed securely to protect your information and Roni Langley's.